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co dacoso Kundenlösung data communication solutions Schneller ist immer gut – und remote um so besser. htp nutzt Add-Drop-System von ADVA für sein Carrier-Netz 1996 gegründet gehört die htp zu…


co dacoso Kundenlösung data communication solutions Rechenzentrums-Anbindung plus Verschlüsselung Verstärkter Schutz für Intellectual Property bei Merck Innovation steht an erster Stelle des…


co dacoso Kundenlösung data communication solutions Glasfasernetz für Next-Generation-TV dacoso installiert Backbone-Infrastruktur für IP-Entertainment von EXARING 60 TV-Sender. Brillantes HD.…


co dacoso Kundenlösung data communication solutions ESCON mit FICON? Geht doch! dacoso macht DATEV-Drucker Mainframe-kompatibel Das grüne DATEV-Quadrat ist bestens bekannt – es steht auf vielen…


co dacoso Kundenlösung data communication solutions Daten mit Schweigepflicht Sichere DRK-Daten durch Rechenzentrums-Kopplung plus Encryption Wer Blut spendet, rettet Leben. Eine großartige…

Quantum-safe encryption

It is not easy for him to be brief on this topic - but he has done it:  Our expert Thomas Lebeth answers central questions about  quantum-safe encryption. What can companies do right…

„ADVA Partner of the year“ | dacoso

For the second year in a row, dacoso is once again the "ADVA partner of the year" in 2021. With this award, ADVA recognises outstanding performance in the consulting, implementation and operation of…

New dacoso partner Darktrace: Artificial intelligence for network monitoring

Darktrace is dacoso's new cyber security partner. With Darktrace's cyber AI, dacoso customers can detect and respond to attacks across their digital infrastructure, including the cloud, SaaS,…

dacoso acquires a stake in software provider we.Networks

dacoso, IT service provider for network performance and data security with headquarters in Langen near Frankfurt, has acquired a majority stake in the newly founded we.Networks GmbH. The company…

dacoso participates in the AI-NET-Protect research project.

Digitisation is advancing unabated and good ideas are sprouting from the ground - but are the networks keeping up? Are the centralised cloud infrastructures sufficient in the long term to give…